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Productive Meeting, April 30, 2011

More than 75 people showed up for a Community Action Against Racism (CAAR) public strategy meeting this morning, April 30, 2011. The meeting was held at the office of the St. Paul Federation of Teachers. Several representatives from coalition members were there, as well as Ward 1 Council Member Melvin Carter, who energized the crowd when he read the St. Paul City Council’s letter (signed by all 7 members of the council) sent to KDWB on April 27.

The community provided input about a set of demands that will be shared with KDWB. We will publish those on this webpage as soon as our partners have revised the final set, based on today’s discussion.

In the meantime, we are always looking for more help. Remember, this is a grassroots coalition which means we have no paid staff and we all dedicate our time and energy because of a shared desire to seek racial justice.

Committees that you can join:

1. Advertising – Tell companies that advertise on KDWB that by continuing to support the radio station when it has not resolved the matter hurts the community. Victori Vu is the contact for this committee.

2. Communications – Continue to help provide transparency to this movement by providing ways for two-way communications. We need writers, editors, photographers, videographers, marketing/PR professionals and/or those interested in this field so we can keep the community updated about our work, as well as receive input. Boa Lee is the contact for this committee.

3. Fundraising – This is grassroots work, baby! We raise our own money to drive this work. We have a $2,000 fundraising goal. Your tax deductible donation allows us to purchase supplies, keep the communications work up (website), provide transportation to rallies and meetings, and so much more. Make your check out to TakeAction Minnesota, with “CAAR” in the memo line. Nic Pha is the contact for this committee.

4. Coalitions – To gain momentum, we rely on the support of organizations who share our mission of racial justice. Organizations  play a crucial role in turning out people for meetings/rallies; providing meeting space for CAAR; providing in kind support of all sorts; and keeping the pressure on KDWB. We need people who have connections to various groups, or would like the chance to learn how to do coalition work, to continue reaching out to groups. Sandy’Ci Moua is the contact for this committee.

Finally, at this morning’s meeting, we announced that CAAR had been invited to a May 4 meeting with KDWB. We intend to write a letter to them to tell them that we are not attending that meeting. Our coalition partners and supporters have asked us to invite them to a public meeting in our community on May 13, 7 p.m., location TBD. We invite you to attend. Stay tuned for more information.